Editions for Psyren, Vol. 3: Dragon: (Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition published in ), (published in ), (Kind. The third volume of Toshiaki Iwashiro's comic "Psyren" keeps us thrilled and entertained as ever, with well-drawn action sequences and credible characters. The comic's pace gets a little slower with a few flashbacks about Hiryu's childhood memories, which are touching, though they do /5(55). · Read "Psyren, Vol. 3 Dragon" by Toshiaki Iwashiro available from Rakuten Kobo. Ageha returns to the treacherous Psyren world, where he and his fellow players are instantly under attack. To survive, t 5/5.
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Psyren, Volume 3: Dragon by Toshiaki Iwashiro. NOOK Book (eBook - VIZ Rating: T) $ $ Save 7% Current price is $, Original price is $ You Save 7. Psyren, Volume 3: Dragon by Toshiaki Iwashiro starting at $ Psyren, Volume 3: Dragon has 1 available editions to buy at Half Price Books Marketplace. Editions for Psyren, Vol. 3: Dragon: (Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition published in ), (published in ), (Kind.